October 24th is United Nations Day and also the day before Taiwan Retrocession Day. In the evening, the Association of World Citizens, the Association of World Citizens (Taiwan), Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, and Tax and Legal Reform League hosted an online forum titled “ UN Day_Fight For Justice”, using Tai Ji Men as an example to expose government officials’ common practice in violating human rights, and urged the government to immediately rectify the false case of Tai Ji Men in response to the UN’s vision for everyone to enjoy peace, development, human rights and equal opportunity.
The Tai Ji Men case was investigated twice by the Control Yuan in the past and was confirmed that prosecutor Hou Kuan-jen had eight major violations of law and the National Taxation Bureau (NTB) had 7 violations when handling the case. In 2007, the Supreme Court found Tai Ji Men not guilty of fraud and tax evasion. The NTB should revoke all the illegal taxation sanction in compliance with its obligations. However, the NTB deceived the government and the public, disregarded the judiciary and the Control Yuan, and unlawfully continued to collect taxes. On August 21, 2020, the NTB teamed up with the Administrative Enforcement Agency to illegally auction and even nationalize the holy land of Tai Ji Men, causing harm to the nation and people, and violating human rights.
Amanda, a factory planner,asked where the conscience was of the civil servants who violently seized people’s property for their personal advantage. How could a country advance in this manner if the government didn’t punish but rather protected officials who had made mistakes and were unwilling to correct them?
Kavien, a project manager, stated that the officials who didn’t follow the laws would cause people to suffer. Why could the NTB unlawfully issue a tax bill despite the fact that Tai Ji Men didn’t violate any tax code? Why couldn’t this kind of obvious mistake be corrected right away, but allowing people to suffer for 25 years as a result of civil servants’ mistakes? The entire government system disregarded people’s human rights.
Paul, a FW engineer, believed that the truth won’t change due to time or any false evidence, and the truth was Tai Ji Men not guilty of fraud and tax evasion. He hoped that the government could correct its mistakes as soon as possible, redress of the unjust case, restore Tai Ji Men’s reputation, and stop the violence against people.