October 24th is United Nations Day and also the day before Taiwan Retrocession Day. In the evening, the Association of World Citizens, the Association of World Citizens (Taiwan), Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy, and Tax and Legal Reform League hosted an online forum titled “ UN Day_Fight For Justice”, using Tai Ji Men as an example to expose government officials’ common practice in violating human rights, and urged the government to immediately rectify the false case of Tai Ji Men in response to the UN’s vision for everyone to enjoy peace, development, human rights and equal opportunity.
World Children’s Day: Give us Back a Hopeful Future
World Children’s Day is an annual commemorative day established by the United Nations on Nov. 20. With the global trend to focus on children and redouble attention to their basic rights, the United Nations further calls on governments, communities, and business leaders to fulfill their commitments to children, to act on the rights of children … Read more
Tech experts point out tax loopholes and urge the government to correct errors as soon as possible.
The economic miracle created by TSMC, the “protector of the nation,” has restored Taiwan’s pride, but why has there been a recent wave of foreign investors leaving Taiwan? On November 11, a number of private organizations held an English forum titled “The 14th Anniversary of the Acquittal of Tai Ji Men 1219 Incident, Lectures from the Citizens-Who’s Holding Taiwan Back?” (link: https://youtu.be/6o0Ns-S7Wj0 ) The technologists used the Tai Ji Men wrong and false cases as an example, pointing out that Taiwan’s legal tax system has bugs (loopholes). A small number of illegal officials are holding back the legal tax system, causing the people of Taiwan to be concerned about their livelihood. They urge the government to correct the errors as soon as possible and return to the people’s friendly legal tax system.
Online Forum in Honor of United Nations Day
No Justice, No True Peace Every year, on October 24th, United Nations Day is celebrated all over the world to commemorate the anniversary of the formal creation of the United Nations through the 1945 Charter of the United Nations. Every year, people celebrate its anniversary as a reminder of the importance of peace, respect for … Read more
Is Taiwan’s Economy in a Crisis of Rapid Collapse? The Young Generation Forum Helps to Save the Law and Taxes./
Is Taiwan’s economy suffering as a result of the legal tax issue? “The 14th Anniversary of the Redress of the Tai Ji Men 1219 Case” English Forum-Younger Generation Speaks Out for Transformation, organized by a number of private groups, was broadcast live online on October 16 from 22:30-23:00 (https://youtu.be/1nef80aQNwY). The young generation who grew up … Read more