Global Collaboration for Justice for the Tai Ji Men

03/04/2022 STEPHEN S. ENADA A+ | A-

Tai Ji Men is victim of egregious abuse and denial of its rights. An international campaign to support it is needed, including in the United States.

by Stephen S. Enada*

*A paper presented at the webinar “In Search of Justice for Tai Ji Men,” co-organized by CESNUR and Human Rights Without Frontiers on February 20, 2022, World Day of Social Justice.

Stephen S. Enada
Stephen S. Enada

I have been involved in global campaigns for justice for those whose rights are abused, and for justice to be served. I did not know that Tai Ji Men dizi have been subjected to egregious abuse and consequently denial of their rights by Taiwan government. Having understood the persecution they face, I have come to add my voice to the plight of Tai Ji Men and to pursue their cause along with other righteous causes.

As we converge and examine cases of human rights violations within the advocacy space, the best thing that can be done to bring justice in the case of the Tai Ji Men is to inform other stakeholders about the Taiwan government persecution of Tai Ji Men.

To make this global campaign effective and to force the Taiwan government to respect Tai Ji Men’s human rights, it is important that we begin to ask for the United States Congress, through the relevant committees, to begin to review the United States’ security partnerships with Taiwan. In fact, Taiwan is a rare case where Washington has a security partnership with an entity with which it does not have diplomatic relations. This is where we can persuade Taiwan to stop the persecution of Tai Ji Men.

Taiwan’s “Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States” in Washington DC, a “de facto embassy.” Credits.
Taiwan’s “Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States” in Washington DC, a “de facto embassy.” Credits.

Taiwan exported US$347.2 billion worth of goods around the globe in 2021. Therefore, it would be good to begin to inform through press release those businessmen and businesswomen doing businesses with Taiwan of the persecution of Tai Ji Men. 

I am committed henceforth to include Tai Ji Men as an important human rights issue of concern in our campaign, and will also advice our coalition partners to mention the Tai Ji Men issue in their campaigns, and to make our global campaign cohesive and comprehensive.

Thanks to Dr. Massimo Introvigne for introducing me to the webinars on the Tai Ji Men cause. We are in this together, until justice is given to Tai Ji Men.

Source: Bitter Winter